Fit the User
Since 2004 LaZee Tek products have provided computer access for people with physical disabilities.
These devices help people with ALS, Arthritis, CTS, CP, MD, MS, RSI, SCI, TBI or other conditions.
These alternative mice are designed to fit the user. They can be operated anywhere from head to toe.
Assistive Technology equipment should be as reliable as the space station. This equipment might be a lifeline to the outside world. Glitches, bugs, compatibility problems, etc.... have no place in this environment.
We utilized our design experience in Military & Space Flight systems to ensure a solid problem free design
Best in Class
Android smartphone, tablet, Chromebook, Surface, PC, Mac, AAC or SGD devices. The same mouse can be used on any of them. Wherever USB mice work.
Ten versions of Windows later.... still going strong.
Developed with Universal Design practices, ALL our devices are compatible with a nearly any platform.